Koreas public transportation card balance check (travel to Korea)
SmaTouch-Lite is a useful app to check a transportation card balance and transaction history using the NFC function of the smartphone.SmaTouch-Lite app is material to traveling to Korea. You can use all transportation card is available in Korea such as T-Money, CashBee, Hanpay, Onepass, Toppass etc. in SmaTouch-Lite.[Function Introduction]1. Balance: It shows the type of transit card and card balance.2. Transaction History: It shows the recent transactions by check the transportation card using the NFC.[Use Precautions]1. It is available on devices that support NFC functionality.2. You must turn on NFC settings of the phone.[Help center]Email:
[email protected]※ subway, bus, taxi, public transportation, Seoul, card transaction history, smartphone, NFC, smart card, Cashbee, T-money, Hanpay, Onepass, Toppassimprovement of performance and functionality